APPENDIX A USE OF OSCILLOSCOPE FOR 50 PERCENT DUTY CYCLE DETERMINATION The oscilloscope can be used to indicate a 50 percent duty cycle on square wave data in two different ways. The first is based on timing each half cycle of the square wave and comparing the time durations. This method requires an oscilloscope that can be reliably triggered on the incoming data. It also requires that the sweep speed can be operated in uncalibrated mode with continuous adjustment. The second method uses the vertical input coupling capacitor to integrate the incoming square wave so the oscilloscope can display the DC offset. This method has no triggering requirements but the oscilloscope must be able to free run in the absence of triggering. This method also requires that the vertical position and the vertical gain be adjustable, and that the input can be AC coupled. Both methods use the logic level data output from the demodulator. This means that the input impedance of just about any oscilloscope is plenty high enough for this application. First method: TIME BASED DUTY CYCLE DETERMINATION 1. Connect the 'scope vertical input to the end of R68 which connects to Q13's collector as described in the demodulator alignment procedure. 2. Do steps 4 through 7 in the demodulator alignment procedure so that there is a square wave data signal to observe on the 'scope. 3. Set the 'scope to trigger on the positive going edge of the square wave. 4. Adjust the sweep rate so that exactly 1 complete cycle of the square wave is displayed. Use the horizontal position control to exactly align the positive going trigger point edge of the signal with the left edge of the graticle on the 'scope face. Use the sweep rate controls to exactly align the next positive going edge of the signal with the right hand edge of the graticle area. There is some jitter present in the data at this point and it will appear as though there are really 2 transitions on the second positive going edge very close together. Use the midpoint of the 2 edges for alignment to the right hand side of the graticle. It will be necessary to use the continuously variable sweep rate capability of the 'scope for this adjustment as the calibrated steps are unlikely to result in an exact alignment. 5. Now adjust the demodulator center frequency using the appropriate variable resistor for the demodulator being aligned. Observe that the NEGATIVE going edge of the signal in the central graticle area moves in relation to the 2 POSITIVE going edges at the graticle extremes. 6. Set the demodulator center frequency so that the NEGATIVE going edge occurs exactly on the main vertical graticle line in the exact center of the graticle. This assures equal time for the data when it is in the high state as when it is in the low state. Again, use the center of the jitter area. End of method 1 Second method: DC OFFSET DETERMINATION OF 50 PERCENT DUTY CYCLE NOTE! This is the PREFERRED method as it does not require estimation of jitter areas. 1. Connect the 'scope vertical input to the end of R68 which connects to Q13's collector as described in the demodulator alignment procedure. 2. Do steps 4 through 7 in the demodulator alignment procedure so that there is a square wave data signal to observe on the 'scope. 3. Set the 'scope timebase to free run. 4. Adjust the vertical gain so that there are exactly 6 major graticle divisions (usually CM) between the 2 horizontal lines displayed on the 'scope face. 5. Ground the 'scope vertical input either by temporarily removing the probe from the test point and attaching it to ground or by using the switch provided for this purpose on the 'scope vertical amplifier. Adjust the vertical position so that the horizontal trace falls EXACTLY on the middle horizontal graticle line. 6. Make sure the 'scope vertical input is set for AC coupling during the rest of this procedure. 7. Reattach the probe to the test point if necessary. 8. Now adjust the demodulator center frequency using the appropriate variable resistor for the demodulator being aligned. Observe that the 2 horizontal lines move in the vertical plane in relation to the horizontal graticle lines. 9. Set the demodulator center frequency so that both lines are exactly the same distance from the middle hoizontal graticle line. This should place one of them 3 divisions above it and the other 3 divisions below it. End of method 2